Student Rush Tickets
Become a Student Member for only $5 per year
Student Members unlock a great range of yearly benefits, including $15 Student Rush tickets to all Melbourne Recital Centre Presents concerts.
As part of our 15th birthday celebrations, student memberships are now $5 for our 15th year!
See more for less with savings and offers all year round, including:
• Regular Student Rush pricing from 48 hours prior to an event
• 10% discount on selected performances
• 10% discount at Melbourne Recital Centre bars and Blondie
• Ticket offers especially for students
• Complimentary venue tours
Where do I sign up?
• You can buy a Student Membership at the Box Office. All you need to bring is your Student ID.
• You can also join online and collect your membership card from the Box Office at a later date. Temporary cards can be issued instantaneously, printed cards take one week to process.